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What We Offer

1:1 Art Therapy Sessions

Craft Supplies

These art therapy sessions focus on the individual and what their needs and goals for therapy are combined with creative arts methods. Each session has two main components.

Art Making: I discuss with the individual their comfort level using different art materials, what they prefer and what they want to explore.  Sometimes it is painting, drawing or sketching using a variety of art supplies while other times it is more fitting to work with clay or create a collage.  The art is then incorporated into the other part of the session, which is structured around mental health concepts. 

Mental Health: The individual develops goals for therapy, whether it is addressing anxiety and depression symptoms, discussing the emotions and feelings from the past week, wanting guidance through a life transition or having difficulty making decisions. 


As the art therapist, I can suggest what art material they might like to work with, whether is it something more physical like clay or painting, something with more control and calmness, like drawing or coloring, or sometimes when an individual feels stuck or unsure, I can offer images to make a collage or artwork to reflect on.


While each session is individualized, some common themes that I work on with clients are developing coping skills that can be used in everyday life, using mindfulness skills to decrease anxiety, and identifying and understanding emotions. Depending on how the individual is feeling on that particular day will also depend on whether I give them a specific task to work on with their art or for them to freely create a piece of art without any direction from me. There are days when individuals want the structure of a task to create something and other days where it may be more beneficial for the individual to have an unstructured session and be creative. As an art therapist, I can help guide people of all ages through concerns they have by using the different materials and tasks to reach their goals.


I also offer consultation services for schools, non-profit agencies and other healthcare facilities that are interested in bringing art therapy services into their facilities or to their clients. If you are looking for more information regarding this service, please feel free to contact me.

Art Therapy Consultation 

Art Class
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